So you’ve decided you want to join the Naughty Army?
So all of you sexy creatures have decided you might want to join my naughty army to take over the book world…LOL..Just kidding..Or am I?
This Street Team means the world to me. You are the ones who will get the scoop on my books first, assist me on Twitter and Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest etc, and the fact that you are such fans means so much to me. But that is not all. There are tons of perks for being part of the team. Yup..naughty perks.
To smexyfy the world I need your help. How? I neef help handing out bookmarks, postcards, magnets, trading cards, and more to your book clubs, at conferences, friends and etc…Recommend my books to your friends on Goodreads, Facebook and other social networks and sites. Help spread the naughty word.
This is the place where I will keep you posted on what is going on and all the cool stuff.
You will have access to naughty army things only. What does that mean? Well unless you are a naughty soldier you don’t get to see it.
You can stay in contact with me on the street team and if need be you can message ne in private.
The naughty army is here to spread the naughty word about my work. Since you want to join it means you are committing yourself to participate, and this is something that is required to make this place amazing.
I want you to be here and have fun, enjoy yourself. Be here because you want to and you are a fan of my work and want to spread the word.
So if you are ready to take a step and report for active duty or just want more info including rules and other benefits of bein a naughty soldier email me at
Stay naughty,